Laminectomy | Corpectomy
Lumbar Decompression | Lumbar-Pelvic Fixation
Lumbar Laminectomy
Lumbar laminectomy surgery releases pressure from the lumbar spine by removing the lamina from the vertebral segment. This creates additional space along the back of the spinal canal. This allows pain relief and preserves your nerve cells.
Lumbar laminectomies relieve the pressure on your spinal nerves and treat the resulting leg symptoms. After this procedure, you will likely notice improved leg function and range of motion.
After lumbar laminectomy surgery, you are required to stay in the hospital for one to four days. Dr. Lin will walk you through the surgery prep in advance so you know what to expect.
Recovery from this surgery varies. Most patients need a few months of physical therapy to regain full range of motion after surgery. Dr. Lin will follow your recovery during this time frame to make sure you are healing successfully.
Corpectomy surgery aims to reduce strain on lower back nerves. Dr. Lin will perform a corpectomy if you have damaged or displaced vertebrae that are causing pain in your lower back. A corpectomy removes part or all of a vertebral body to take pressure off of your spinal nerves..
Corpectomies are more complex than discectomies. Dr. Lin opts for a corpectomy when your discs have become very diseased. The disease and damage spread throughout your spine, causing vertebrae to become defective. In extreme cases of disc disease, disc removal is not enough to stop the damage. Dr. Lin must remove part of your vertebral body to stabilize and relieve your spine. By removing the damaged vertebrae, he will restore neurological function to your nerves.
The void created is usually replaced by titanium expandable cages which tension the adjacent bony segments to add stability. The construct is supplemented further using titanium screws placed into the vertebral segments above and below the cage. Over time, the segments will fuse into one bony structure.
Lumbar Laminoforaminotomy
Lumbar laminoforaminotomy surgery sounds complicated. However, it is just an extension of other lumbar spinal procedures. This procedure releases the pressure along the outer aspect of the lamina adjacent to the nerves which are making their way out of the spinal canal. The benefit of this procedure is it is less extensive and so preserves the bony anatomy of the vertebral segment while creating a small window to alleviate pressure on the nerve roots exiting out of the spinal canal.
This surgery requires a one to two-day hospital stay. Your hospital care team will make sure that you can perform basic movements and functions before you go home.
The majority of patients who follow aftercare instructions recover within a few weeks. The nerve pain you previously experienced will be absent from your life.
Lumbar-Pelvic Fixation
he spinopelvic region is where your spine meets your pelvic bone. Spinopelvic fixation is a surgery that stabilizes your spine to your pelvis which is inherently a very stable structure. This procedure is used to treat spinal deformities, certain trauma to the spine and failed spinal fusion.
The recovery from lumbar-pelvic fixation depends on the severity of the problem. Most patients recover within a few months of the procedure. You will stay in the hospital for one to four days after this surgery.
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